Short Story: From The Sea, Plenty

I only went and bloody won something! ‘Transition Town Worthing‘ held a competition to imagine Worthing in 2030 and how energy would affect life in the town. A near future story based in Worthing? That’s my niche! It would be rude if I didn’t enter. Click here to read my entry – ‘From The Sea, Plenty‘

Short Story: Terror Forming

Here’s another short story I wrote a couple of years ago that’s picked up a few rejections along the way. It’s an actual, full-monty, sci-fi story in space. I like the anthropomorphising of planets in it. The idea of life coming from distant planets and not evolving by itself here is something I’ve never forgotten from a Star Trek


I thought I’d get involved in Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction competition, 100 words on the theme ‘revenge’. Editing this to the bare bones to meet the word count proved harder than vomitting forth the first draft, so here it is… Mr Kingston sat coiled in his chair, scrutinising Mr Harris at the podium, “Thank you,

Short Story Published on 365 Tomorrows!

A momentous day! My first ever publication! 365 Tomorrows have published ‘Turning a Frontier into a Home’ which is more of a flash fiction story as it’s only about 350 words. It was originally written for a competition by ‘New Scientist‘ who wanted flash stories ‘about the world 100 years from now‘. So go check

Short Story Published!

Holy crap! Hell must have frozen over, eskimo’s must be buying ice AND arabs must be buying sand plus other such impossibilities because one of my short stories is actually getting published. Spikethecat had a competition called ‘The Last Laugh‘ so I submitted my story ‘The Lost Journeyman’. Recently I got an email saying it