I thought I’d put some of the chapter planning notes I make online. There’s no tips or advice because who the hell am I to do that, this is just to put it out there as I haven’t seen anyone else do this so thought it could be interesting. Reading blogs and magazine articles featuring
Category‘In A Right State’
“Advertising is getting personal”
An interesting article on the Telegraph site, ‘Advertising is getting personal‘, about how companies are better utilising technology to track customers and offer them an improved service. Of course, companies have always tried to do this but with more powerful technology at cheaper prices, the amount and type of information they can gather increases. ‘Railroaded’
Manuscript requested! …then rejected :(
A step forward, that’s what I keep telling myself anyway. An agent came back and asked to see the full manuscript of ‘Railroaded’, but then quickly rejected the whole thing. I’ll ignore the obvious negative and take some positives; I grabbed the interest of a literary professional and, albeit briefly, viewed the slush pile from
Railroaded Wordle Word Cloud
Well, Max Barry did a word cloud for his online novel ‘Machine Man’ so I thought I’d try the same with ‘Railroaded’…takes my mind off rejections anyway. Using the online service at Wordle you can easily create your own, my one above is also live on their public gallery here. Quite interesting; Isaac, Amy and
‘Exstrange’ Info With Your Mobile Device
In Railroaded I thought of an easy way people could exchange personal information with mobile phones. The other day I came across the ‘Bump‘ iphone app that now does exactly that. Instead of pressing a button you simply turn the app on and ‘bump’ the phones together. I admit their execution is better but I
Railroaded is Mundane!
I’m a science fiction fan but not a die-hard nerd so I had never heard of the sub-genre of ‘Mundane Science Fiction’. Probably not a positively eye-catching sub-genre on the face of it but the idea behind it is it only uses science and technology that is either acheivable or extremely, very nearly acheivable. I
Two Rejections in 2 Days!
The pain! The humiliation! The second rejection for ‘Railroaded’ plus a rejection for a short story just to twist the knife a little more. I’ve just finished another short story and going to start another one this weekend…because I just can’t get enough rejection in my life.
My First Rejection!
Just before I left for work I saw a London postmarked envelope that didn’t appear to be a bill, so I opened it. Only my first rejection! I’m so chuffed! OK, I’m gutted that they didn’t say yes but you gotta take positives from it. The submission found its way to the correct person. I
Fly my pretties!
I’ve only gone and posted the bloody thing to some right old proper people! Over the weekend I put together 5 packages and popped them in the post this afternoon so they are winging their way to 5 agents in London as I type…be safe my pretties, don’t be scared of the dark and when
Self-Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Car Travel.
One part of writing Railroaded I really enjoyed was trying to come up with new technologies, or at least butchering emerging new technologies. It’s set in a UK with higher sea levels so global warming has really affected the country and they combat that by becoming carbon neutral, this means the whole transport infrastructure needs